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We have a mix of bamboo and organic cotton socks in a range of colours, styles and sizes - there's something for everyone.

Leiho donate a pair to support homeless people across the UK for every pair of socks sold, and Bare Kind donates 10% of the profits to support the animal on the sock. So whatever style you're looking for and whatever cause you want to support, we have the socks for you! 

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Ribbed Sloth Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the SlothsRibbed Sloth Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Sloths
'It's Cool to Care' Leiho Bamboo Trainer Socks - Navy'It's Cool to Care' Leiho Bamboo Trainer Socks - Navy
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the SlothBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Sloth
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Hedgehog (brown)Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Hedgehog (brown)
Ribbed Black Panther Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Black PanthersRibbed Black Panther Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Black Panthers
Sold outRibbed Toucan Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the ToucansRibbed Toucan Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Toucans
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the TurtlesBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Turtles
Sold outRibbed Panda Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PandasRibbed Panda Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Pandas
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PuffinsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Puffins
'It's Cool to Care' Leiho Bamboo Trainer Socks - White'It's Cool to Care' Leiho Bamboo Trainer Socks - White
Ribbed Tiger Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the TigersRibbed Tiger Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Tigers
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the BeesBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Bees
Sold outRibbed Gorilla Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the GorillaRibbed Gorilla Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Gorilla
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Black PantherBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Black Panther
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PenguinsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Penguins
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the ElephantsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Elephants
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PangolinsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Pangolins
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the OrcasBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Orcas
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the OrangutansBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Orangutans
Sold outRibbed Elephant Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save ElephantsRibbed Elephant Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save Elephants
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the SheepBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Sheep
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the BatsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Bats
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PandasBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Pandas
Bare Kind Bamboo Children's Socks - Save the HedgehogBare Kind Bamboo Children's Socks - Save the Hedgehog
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Red PandaBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Red Panda
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Red SquirrelsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Red Squirrels
Sold outRibbed Puffin Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PuffinsRibbed Puffin Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Puffins
Bare Kind Bamboo Trainer Socks - Save the HedgehogsBare Kind Bamboo Trainer Socks - Save the Hedgehogs
Sold outLeiho Forest Green Smiley Bamboo SocksLeiho Forest Green Smiley Bamboo Socks
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PlatypusesBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Platypuses
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Snow LeopardBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Snow Leopard
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the RaysBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Rays
Leiho Bamboo Socks - Driving me NavyLeiho Bamboo Socks - Driving me Navy
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the LemursBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Lemurs
Sold outLeiho 'Sporty & Kind' White Ribbed Organic Cotton SocksLeiho 'Sporty & Kind' White Ribbed Organic Cotton Socks
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Foxes
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the FrogsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Frogs
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the ToucansBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Toucans
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the AlpacaBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Alpaca
Sold outRibbed Otter Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the OttersRibbed Otter Socks - Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Otters
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the OttersBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Otters
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the WhalesBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Whales
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the CowsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Cows
Bare Kind Bamboo Trainer Socks - Save the PuffinsBare Kind Bamboo Trainer Socks - Save the Puffins
Bare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the PigsBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Pigs
Sold outBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the GiraffesBare Kind Bamboo Socks - Save the Giraffes
Bare Kind Bamboo Children's Socks - Save the PandaBare Kind Bamboo Children's Socks - Save the Panda
Sold outLeiho Bamboo Socks - We're Mint to be MintLeiho Bamboo Socks - We're Mint to be Mint