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Our B Corp Certification

After a year of hard work and development, Y.O.U Underwear became a B Corp in December 2021. When we certified, we were the highest scoring B Corp in the UK, and the top fashion brand in the world!

We wanted to become a B Corp to show that purpose, people and planet mean more to us than profit. With giving back and sustainability at the heart of what we do, we're so pleased to have our work backed up by something as respected as a B Corp Certification.

Our B Corp Score

To be certified as a B Corp, you need to achieve a score of at least 80. Our score is 160.5!

This means that we've achieved a score of more than double the requirement - and put us at the top of the UK B Corp list as the highest scoring UK B Corp at the time of certifying! We're also still the highest scoring fashion brand worldwide.

What is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporations are companies verified to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

We're now part of a community of 4,200 businesses globally who have certified as B Corps. The B Corp community in the UK is comprised of over 500 companies!

We're One of The Best for the World™ B Corps of 2022!

To be Best For The World, B Corps must have scores in the top 5% of one or more of the five impact areas assessed towards the certification. We achieved Best for the World in two areas - community and environment.

It's just the start

Whilst we are, obviously, thrilled with our score and certification - we know our work isn't done. We promise to strive to make our underwear, packaging and business more sustainable and ethical - year on year. We have a lot of exciting ideas and projects in the works and we hope that you'll support us on our sustainable journey.

Here's to making fashion more accessible, ethical and planet-friendly!