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Article: 10 Top Tips For Conserving and Saving Water

10 Top Tips For Conserving and Saving Water
Giving Back

10 Top Tips For Conserving and Saving Water

A turquoise blue sea washes up against a golden sand beach


This week is Water Saving Week in the UK, and we're sharing some tips from our favourite sustainable bloggers, activists and brands surrounding saving and conserving water! 

Reduce your Shower Time

Take a shorter shower to help save hundreds of litres of water a week, we recommend a 4 minute one and an easy way to keep to this is to play one of your favourite 4-5 minute songs and try to shower before it's done. You can find plenty of watery songs on our Waterwise Shower Playlist on Spotify if you need some inspiration!' 

- Waterwise


Black shower head with water


Go Natural with Cosmetics

Wearing natural based sunscreen, using natural hair and body products not only does wonders for your body & hormonal health, it's an amazing way to keep the ocean cleaner, especially if you're visiting remote islands where water run off kills the local coral and fish. My top tip is to buy solid bars of soap, conditioner and shampoo - they don't count as liquids in your luggage, they're plastic free and they last for much longer than liquid options. Be sure that your products are vegan so you know you're not supporting any unsustainable fishing too! 

P.s. essential oil blends make great bases for natural perfumes which support your body's hormonal functions rather than modern perfumes which disturb them. 

- Cassie Foley

Switch to Sustainable Menstrual Products

Mainstream period products can contain up to 90% plastic and it's estimated that around 1.5-2 billion of them get flushed down UK toilets every single year, shocking right? When this happens, they enter the sewerage system and if they are not captured, they end up in our rivers, flow into the sea and wash up on our beaches. They contribute to ocean plastic pollution and overtime their plastic content breaks down into smaller pieces, known as micro-plastics and fibres.

You can tackle this by switching to sustainable menstrual products like eco-friendly tampons and pads, or reusables such as cloth pads, period pants, and menstrual cups! Another step you can take whether you use eco-friendly products or not, is to make sure never to flush these items down toilets.

- Ella Daish (Sign the #EndPeriodPlastic petition here)


A person holding a reusable menstrual cup with white budded flowers in front of their white high-waisted underwear 

 Lower Your Wardrobe's Impact

Try to invest in one item that will last a long time rather than lots of cheaper items that won't last very long.

- Isla Marsh 

Wondering how the fashion industry uses so much water? Read our post on the impact of Organic Cotton here

Some Tips From Our Instagram Community...

  • Use the shower water which is wasted (while you're waiting to heat it up) to water plants! - @addzero_ 
  • You can use your boiled water (from veg or pasta) as plant food. Make sure to not use salt. - @beeblossoming
  • Time your shower with your favourite song. - @pregnantperformer
  • Use a timer in the shower, only put the washing machine on when full and don't leave the tap running. - @vkerrr_m
  • Make sure to use the eco cycle on the washing machine! - @fwardlaw 
  • Turn off the shower whilst shampooing/conditioning your hair - you don't need running water. - @cel1818


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10 facts you need to know about fast fashion

5 low-cost ways to make your wardrobe more sustainable

5 Ways to Preserve the Oceans, with Kanula


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