All of our Underwear is Vegan and Cruelty-Free!
Most of us are aware of vegan food, but did you know that your clothing and accessories can be vegan too? As can your underwear!
As well as being made from 100% Fairtrade and GOTS certified organic cotton, all our super-soft underwear is PETA-approved vegan.
Vegan clothing is not just about avoiding the obvious culprits of leather, fur and exotic skins, for example, but about being cruelty-free more broadly. PETA have outlined that the presence of their certification is a way of recognising ‘progressive compassionate businesses’.
There are many aspects of conventional cotton that are diametrically opposed to a vegan outlook. The use of pesticides and herbicides and the perpetuation of soil degradation are as harmful to animals as the use of fur or leather. This is not to mention the terrible labour conditions that characterise much cotton production and processing.
For us, veganism is about a wider drive to make our products and business as sustainable as possible, and having the least harmful impact on people, animals and the environment as we can. We also care about supporting our own values with external endorsement to give you the confidence in the standards we set and what we're doing.
So next time you're thinking about buying a new item of clothing - or refreshing your underwear drawer - you can vote with your wallet for products that are animal friendly, as well as kind to the environment and the people who make them.
*** November 1st is International vegan day. ***
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